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Les contenants

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French English
Un bol A bowl
Un cubitainer/un cubi Boxed wine/a wine carton
Un mug A mug
Un pichet A jug
Un verre A glass
Une bouteille A bottle
Une cafetière A coffee maker
Une canette A can
Une carafe A carafe
Une tasse A cup
Une théière A teapot

Using containers and drinks

The nouns in this list can be followed by “de” or by “d” in front of a vowel or an “h” and then followed by the drink (liquid) they contain. “De” and “d’” will replace the articles that is usually placed in front of the noun.

For example:
Une bouteille d’eau → A bottle of water.
Une tasse de thé → A cup of tea.

Some rules

“Une carafe”

“Une carafe” usually contains tap water. However, it can also contain milk or juice, therefore it needs to be followed by the liquid it contains.

For example:
Une carafe d’eau → A carafe of water.


“Une canette”

“Une canette” only contains drinks.

For example:
Une canette de coca → A can of coke.


“Une théière”

“Une théière” can only be followed by “de” if you mention the type of tea.

For example:
Une théière de thé vert → A teapot of green tea.

“Une cafetière”

“Une cafetière” can only contain coffee, so “de” is not used.


“Un pichet” and “un cubi”

“Un pichet” and “un cubi” only contains wine. At the restaurant, if you ask for “un pichet,” you’ll usually get the “house” wine or cheap wine. As wine has three colours, it is important to use “de” after to word “pichet” or “cubi” to precise the wine we want. However, it is not necessary to add the word “vin” (wine) in the sentence. The colour is sufficient. Same if you order or buy a bottle of wine.

For example:
Un pichet de vin rouge → A jug of red wine.
Un pichet de rouge → A jug of red (wine.)
Un cubi de rosé → A carton of rosé (wine.)


Use “je voudrais” to order food and drinks. It means “I would like.”

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