French | English |
De l'alcool (masculine) | Some alcohol |
De l'eau (feminine) | Some water |
De l'eau gazeuse (feminine) | Some sparkling water |
De l'eau plate (feminine) | Some still water |
De la bière | Some beer |
De la tisane | Some herbal tea |
Du café | Some coffee |
Du champagne | Some champagne |
Du coca | Some coke |
Du jus | Some juice |
Du lait | Some milk |
Du sirop | Some syrup |
Du thé | Some tea |
Du vin | Some wine |
Un chocolat chaud | A hot chocolate |
Un cocktail | A cocktail |
Un digestif | An after-dinner liqueur |
Un soda | A fizzy drink/a soda |
Une boisson chaude | A hot drink |
Une boisson froide | A cold drink |
Instead of “eau gazeuse,” you can use “eau pétillante.” In informal speech, “une tisane” is also called “un pisse mémère.”
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