The sports you can play are the same in French and English. You can play football, but you can’t play swimming. With the sports you can play, in French, you have the choice to either use “jouer” or “faire” even if French native speakers will prefer to use “faire” since “jouer” is only used if you are playing or have planned to play. For the sports you can’t play, “faire” must be used.
The verb “faire” is followed by the partitive articles “du, de la, de l’, des” according to the gender and the numeral of the sport.
For example:
Je fais du football → I do football/ I play football.
French | English |
L’athlétisme (masculine) | Athletics |
L’aviron (masculine) | Rowing |
L’équitation (feminine) | Horse riding |
L’escalade (feminine) | Climbing |
La course à pied | Running |
La danse | Dance |
La natation | Swimming |
La planche à voile | Windsurfing |
La plongée sous-marine | Scuba diving |
La randonnée | Hiking |
Le badminton | Badminton |
Le basket-ball | Basketball |
Le cyclisme | Cycling |
Le football | Football |
Le golf | Golf |
Le handball | Handball |
Le hockey | Hockey |
Le judo | Judo |
Le karaté | Karate |
Le rugby | Rugby |
Le ski | Skiing |
Le snowboard | Snowboarding |
Le surf | Surfing |
Le tennis | Tennis |
Le tennis de table | Table tennis |
Le tir à l’arc | Archery |
Le volley-ball | Volleyball |
Les arts martiaux (masculine) | Martial arts |
“Le tennis de table” is also called “le ping-pong.” In the spoken language, “le football” can be shortened to “le foot,” “le handball” to “le hand,” “le volley-ball” to “le volley” and le “basket-ball” to “le basket.”
“Le cyclisme” is the sport, if you want to say that you cycle use “faire du vélo.”
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