French | English |
Les parents | The parents |
Le père | The father |
La mère | The mother |
Le frère | The brother |
La soeur | The sister |
Le fils | The son |
La fille | The daughter |
Le grand-père | The grandfather |
La grand-mère | The grandmother |
L’arrière grand-père | The great-grandfather |
L’arrière grand-mère | The great-grandmother |
Le petit-fils | The grandson |
La petite-fille | The granddaughter |
La tante | The aunt |
L’oncle | The uncle |
La nièce | The niece |
Le neveu | The nephew |
La cousine (feminine) | The cousin |
Le cousin (masculine) | The cousin |
La belle-soeur | The sister-in-law |
Le beau-frère | The brother-in-law |
La belle-fille | The daughter-in-law/stepdaughter |
Le beau-fils | The son-in-law/stepson |
La belle-mère | The mother-in-law/stepmother |
Le beau-père | The father-in-law/stepfather |
Les beaux-parents | The in-laws |
Le demi-frère | The half-brother/stepbrother |
La demi-soeur | The half-sister/stepsister |
La marraine | The godmother |
Le parrain | The godfather |
Le filleul | Godson |
La filleule | Goddaughter |
In the spoken language, we use “papa” to address our father and “maman” to address our mother. Other words are possible like “papounet” or “mamounette.”
“Papi” or “papy” is used to address our grandfather and “mamie” or “mamy” to address our grandmother. Other words are possible like “pépé/mémé” or “pépère/mémère.”
“Tonton” is used to address our uncles and “tata” or “tatie” to address our aunties.
“Marraine” is used to address our godmother and “parrain” to address our godfather.
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